Sunday, May 10, 2009


i went to two different places looking for a mother's days card for mom. i didn't end up getting her one. none said what i would have wanted to say. how i felt. honestly, it is so hard to put into words my feelings about my mom. how much i love her. all the reasons why. there is so much goodness inside of her. and she shares that goodness in the most humble, selfless way. she is the most fair person i know. she loves me as much or more than anyone else i know. she is funny but if you don't look and listen closely, you will miss it. i admire her faith. and i admire her constant, giving spirit. she is certainly my biggest role model and absolutely my biggest fan. my words do not do her goodness justice. but she is my kind and gentle mother. and i could not be more thankful.

Doesn't she look great in her monogrammed polo?
(aka mother's day present from me)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

and we talked...

we hiked around the lake...

we played on the paddle boats...

we explored God's mountain creation...

and we talked...

more important than anything else we did during our third annual friends weekend, we talked. in that moment...that saturday night in our mountain condo, there was no other place i would have rather been. answering questions and listening. hearing what the Lord has done, what He is doing, and what we long for Him to do in's what that weekend was all about. and it's what our friendships are all about...consistent encouragement and constant faithfulness. the One that sustains our friendship gave us a sweet moment to remind us just that. sitting down together without the miles of distance, the craziness of phone tag, and the busyness of life to remember. to catch up. to celebrate our joys. to encourage each other in our struggles. to give perspective. and especially to point each other to the One that gave us this friendship so many years ago.

we talked. i needed it. and He knew that.